Saturday, August 15, 2009
In 6 Days God did what?!
I have one week exactly. And on the 7th day, I shall rest (if you can call more than24 hours of travel time restful…). But until then, I have a lot more to do. Primarily, I think it’s going to be a lot of witnessing the Lord’s mighty work. And I am more than okay with that!
One major prayer request/awesome thing that God is doing – If you have been reading my blog, you might remember that God did an incredible thing, allowing me to start up a Wednesday morning directed prayer time for all the kids (During staff devotions/prayer). And now, as I prepare to leave, I have the privilege to pass it along to the 12th grade girls to lead. And I cannot tell you how exciting this is! I am so excited for the leadership it will require, the power of God they will witness, the unity it will intensify among them. As I type this, the 6 of them are meeting to discuss this Wednesday’s prayer time (I am having them lead once before I go so that if they want advice or help in any way, I am here). I ask that you would prayer for them as they take on this first step of intentional leadership. Pray that God would give them a vision for what he wants that time to look like. Pray that He would fill them with excitement and anticipation for what he is going to do through this ministry. And pray that He would just pour himself out on those girls but also on the entire school as they gather to pray on Wednesdays. I am so excited to get to watch them this Wednesday!
I am beginning to feel a sense of closure as my time here comes to an end. And yet the other day, it hit me that I am also excited to discover why God is having me leave this place. He does not slack during the transitions. He specifically chose August 22 for me to leave, in order that I might continue down the path he has for me.
I have no idea how to end this time, though. No idea how to close this part of my life. Rarely do I feel like I am using my gifts this much, like I have the opportunity to pour out so continually without ever running out of the Lord's gracious supply. I already know that I will miss these kids and this place so much. I was praying just yesterday that I would be able to see all of these faces in heaven.
Pray with passion and fervor these last several days, warriors. Pray for God's continued hand on these children. Pray that God would gently beckon some who are hesitant. Pray that he would tear others from the claws of the enemy. Pray that He would intervene in mighty and powerful ways - for the sake of his own name. That He might be glorified as majestic and wonderful and awesome.
Pray also that I would be able to drink it all in. Pray that I would not grow weary or slow down for the end of this journey. Pray that I might run all the way to the finish line, that I might be able to say I fought until the end.
6 Days. He created the whole universe.
6 Days. O God, let me see that kind of wonder!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Power of Incense
As my time begins slipping away, too quickly some days, too slowly others, I know that God has never once stopped working. It’s just that sometimes, I have a tendency to forget J.
Last night, I had discipleship group with the grade 8/9 girls. Honestly, I was frustrated, feeling as though I was being completely unproductive in everything I was doing, asking God, “Am I being fruitful at all? Is my work worth anything?”
Our lesson was on Joshua 4, where God directs Joshua to gather 12 stones from the middle of the Jordan river, to set up a memorial in order that they might remember – and their children to know – that God is mighty, powerful, and faithful. We talked about the importance of spiritual memory, so that even when we are feeling as though life is too hard or having a difficult time remembering that God is good, we can look back on those times where God was big and incredible and praise him and worship him still.
I had the girls spend 15 or so minutes just journaling, writing down as many things as they could remember about what God has done in their lives. We were creating a type of “memorial,” just a written one instead of stone. And of course I did the same, but I decided to do it solely with what God has done since I have been here. Well! I can tell you for certain that God HAS been working, he HAS used me, he IS faithful.
Even when I asked, “God, but I don’t think I’m being fruitful,” He said to me, “Remain in me, and my words remain in you…and you WILL bear MUCH fruit.” That’s a promise.
And then this morning, we had our Wednesday morning prayer meeting. Because I am leaving in less than two weeks, I really wanted some of the grade 12 girls to take over and lead it, so I spoke to them yesterday about that possibility. All but one volunteered. And O I am so excited for them! It is such a great chance for them to be spiritual leaders here, without too much pressure being put on them. I would like for them to try and lead next week so that I can help them plan and debrief it. So already, I was so encouraged and excited.
This morning’s prayer time was, for the first time, open to the boys – and optional. All the girls came, and several of the boys joined as well. And I was sitting this morning, praying with them, watching them pray, it all of a sudden hit me – if this was even the only mark I left on this place, it has been well worth the journey.
I read Revelation 8:3-5 to them this morning, the verses which describe our prayers rising up to heaven as incense and then being hurled again to the earth as lightning, thunder, and earthquakes, and I tried to emphasize how powerful prayer really is. I have been praying that God would answer their prayers visibly – and give them eyes to see it – so that they might be encouraged and strengthened, to pray without ceasing all the days of their life.
I have been able to see the power of my prayers - and of yours - here already, and I know that it will not stop. Praise the Lord!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Weaker than David
Well, sweetheart, that's what you are. Remember David and Goliath?
No, but it only takes one stone - the right one in the right place - and he will go down.
Don't stop, don't lose hope. Keep doing it. One of these days, he will go down.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Declare His Faithfulness
That's okay. Just obey. I'll give you the words...I always do.So one girl from the team shared briefly, and then I walked on up to the front, frankly telling them that I wasn't sure what God wanted me to say yet, but I was going to be obedient, so we were all going to find out together!
I have already set you free! Drop your chains and run!
It is for freedom Christ has set you free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 6:1And I shared about how beautiful life is living in freedom, in the redemption of God's grace. The absolute beauty of freedom.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Samantha, it's time to get rid of this. It's time to give it up. It's time to get this mountain under your feet. It's time to take a step up in your confidence in hearing my voice. It's time to let your love for me overflow, unhindered. And let's start working on this, too, while we're at it.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Table Mountain Photos